Transferring a domain:

Transferring a domain:

This process is easier than you may think. When you transfer a domain, all you are doing is moving it from one registrar to another. Your hosting and name servers remain the same, is unless you change them as well. Before we continue, there are three things you need to know.

Registrar Lock: You may see transfer lock, or even domain lock. The key is to look for the word “lock”. It has two positions, on or off. When it is on, the domain can’t be transferred. You can consider it like a safety switch, because that is exactly what it is. Make sure it is turned off before you transfer.

EPP code: You may also see authorization code. This is a random sequence of letters, numbers, and special characters. It is provided by the company you are moving from, and provided to the company you are transferring to. No one else, unless they are assisting you in the transfer. Once the registrar lock is turned off, this code is the only thing preventing someone from stealing your domain. The code will expire after a few days, so don’t request it until you are ready for the transfer.

need to pay for additional time. The most common time interval that people pay for is one year at a time. You can pay for up to 10 years. Any time that you have left, will be added to the time that you pay for.

With that knowledge, here are the steps involved.

1) Decide which company you want to move to, and create an account.

2) In a a tab, or browser ,go to the company you are moving from.

3) Flip the transfer lock switch to off.

4) Request the EPP/Authorization code.

5) Back to the tab for the new company.

6) Request transfer (make sure step 3 is completed first).

7) Copy/paste the EPP/Transfer code to new company.

8) Follow any instructions you receive. Read these instructions carefully, you may end up cancelling the transfer without knowing that you did.

Most people will be better off using their web hosting company for their domain registration. There is nothing wrong with this

After transfer is complete, login into your account at the new company, make sure the registrar lock is turned on. Most of the time the default setting is for it to be on.

Things that can go wrong and halt the transfer.

1) Transfer lock is not turned off.

2) Incorrect spelling of the domain you are transferring.

3) Not enough money in your account at new registrar.

4) Wrong EPP code, or code has expired.